As a statewide peak, CHIA Vic offers members in regional and rural Victoria equitable access to key services by providing an on-call VCAT/RTA telephone helpline and an Employee Assistance Program that provides free face-to-face or phone counselling throughout the state. In 2018/19, CHIA Vic also began a project to deliver NDIS training online to make it easier for members and stakeholders in the regions to take part.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
CHIA Vic’s free and confidential counselling service, the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) received 69 new referrals, all of whom were employees (so no family members, who are also eligible to use the program). This was down from 78 on the previous year. Work-related stress was the primary presenting issue for the majority of staff, closely followed by work-related anxiety.
EAP Flyer